
Pure Charity Users will only be created in Salesforce when they donate to any of Field Partner's campaigns inside Pure Charity platform.

Not necessarily all user's personal information will be sent to Salesforce. The user can opt to not share his information with any Field Partners.

For any User, a Account and a Contact will be created in the Salesforce instance following the mapping bellow.


Label API Name Type Description
Pure Charity ID purecharity__Id__c Text(255) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive) Internal Pure Charity ID
Account Name Name Name User's name
Type Type Picklist "Backer"
Phone Phone Phone User's phone (if allowed)
Billing Address BillingAddress Address User's address (if allowed)
Pure Charity URL purecharity__Url__c URL(255) URL address to the User's profile on Pure Charity
Lives Impacted purecharity__LivesImpacted__c Number(18, 0) Number of lives impacted by the User on Pure Charity (if allowed)
Email purecharity__Email__c Email User's Email (if allowed)


Label API Name Type Description
Pure Charity ID purecharity__Id__c Text(255) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive) Internal Pure Charity ID
First Name FirstName Text(40) User's first name
Last Name LastName Text(80) User's last name
Salutation Salutation Picklist User's salutation (if allowed)
Email Email Email User's email (if allowed)
Phone Phone Phone User's phone (if allowed)
Mobile MobilePhone Phone User's mobile phone (if allowed)
Birthdate Birthdate Date User's birthdate (if allowed)
Mailing Address MailingAddress Address User's address (if allowed)
Account Name Account Lookup(Account) User's account
Donor Reference purecharity__DonorReference__c Text(255) User reference code

Mission Passport

Additionally the integration can send data from the standard forms submitted by the trip participants. For more information you can check the mission passport mapping.