Sponsorship Programs

When a Sponsorship Program is created in the Pure Charity platform a Campaign will be created in the Salesforce instance as well following the mapping bellow.

Label API Name Type Description
Pure Charity ID purecharity__Id__c Text(255) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive) Internal Pure Charity ID
Name Name Text (80) Sponsorship Program name
Active IsActive Checkbox true
Type Type Picklist "Sponsorship Program"
Status Status Picklist "In Progress"
Expected Revenue ExpectedRevenue Currency(18, 0) Sponsorship Program total goal
Parent Campaign Parent Lookup(Campaign) Parent Campaign on Pure Charity
Campaign Record Type RecordType Record Type Pure Charity Sponsorship Program (Pure_Charity_Sponsorship_Program)
Pure Charity URL purecharity__Url__c URL(255) Pure Charity's URL address to the Sponsorship Program
Pure Charity Reference purecharity__Reference__c Text(255) Sponsorship Program Reference Code
Contact purecharity__Contact__r Lookup(Contact) Sponsorship Program Organizer Contact (Admin or Owner)
Organizer purecharity__Organizer__r Lookup(Account) Sponsorship Program Organizer Account (Admin or Owner)